Your instinct right after a storm may be to call your insurance company immediately to get the ball rolling on your claim. In some cases, that will end up being a costly mistake.

The insurance company’s first mission isn’t to help you. It’s to keep their payouts to a minimum. That’s why you need to have advice from someone outside of the insurance company to ensure your claim is properly valued.

In the same way you wouldn’t go to court without a lawyer, you shouldn’t have an inspector from the insurance company onsite until you’ve already consulted with a roofing contractor.

The team from Horizon Restorations knows a thing or two about this because we’ve helped thousands of homeowners repair their homes after a storm—and we know the best ways to ensure any damage is identified and properly documented.

Skilled Experienced Storm Damage Restoration Professionals

It’s not just about finding A roofing contractor; it’s about finding THE RIGHT roofing contractor. Our storm damage pros know what to look for and, since we’re local, we’re able to respond quickly to your call for service and assist with your insurance claim.

After our initial inspection, we do a walkthrough with the representative from your insurance company to make sure that they document everything we found in the initial inspection.

It’s your home, so make sure your interests are represented.

What if you don’t see any damage after a storm?

One thing that’s important to keep in mind is that all damage can’t be seen from the ground. That’s why it’s a good idea to have an inspection completed by professional roofing contractors following any significant weather event.

Remember that even a small breach in your roof can cause secondary damage. If you don’t notice storm damage until later, additional damage may be present, and it can be difficult to link the problems back to the storm damage—meaning they may not be covered by your insurance.

Contact Our Trusted Roofing Contractors

When you need a roofing inspection, replacement, or repair, contact the experienced Chicago storm damage restoration professionals from Horizon Restorations. Call today to speak with a member of our team or fill out our online form now to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.